Assalammualaikum wbt...


" When I woke up,
you're the sunshine..
Because a Friend shines other friends' days..

When I was locked in a dark room,
you're the candle..
Because a Friend will glow in the darkness..

When I am down,
you're the help in the middle of desert..
Because a Friend holds the arm of other friends..

When I'm gone,
I do HOPE that you'll be there,
ALWAYS be there,
Recite some prayers for me,
Because a FRIEND is a SPECIAL GIFT from ALLAH,
whom you could trust to send you some DOA
for your life hereafter..."


Happy Birthday, Sweet 23!

Lots of Love, 


Nor Syuhada Muslim said...

selamat hari lahir ika!!!~


AyA ChaN said...

hehe... <3

Special post for IKAMAYA MOHD ARIFFIN:)

Assalammualaikum wbt...


" When I woke up,
you're the sunshine..
Because a Friend shines other friends' days..

When I was locked in a dark room,
you're the candle..
Because a Friend will glow in the darkness..

When I am down,
you're the help in the middle of desert..
Because a Friend holds the arm of other friends..

When I'm gone,
I do HOPE that you'll be there,
ALWAYS be there,
Recite some prayers for me,
Because a FRIEND is a SPECIAL GIFT from ALLAH,
whom you could trust to send you some DOA
for your life hereafter..."


Happy Birthday, Sweet 23!

Lots of Love, 

2 Comments on "Special post for IKAMAYA MOHD ARIFFIN:)"

Nor Syuhada Muslim on May 4, 2010 at 8:19 AM said...

selamat hari lahir ika!!!~


AyA ChaN on May 4, 2010 at 10:27 AM said...

hehe... <3