

Hari ni...apa topik best ea...? Klas Gerontology by Pn sbb duration yg agak panjang..membuatkan mata agak gatal nak tutup.. Oleh sebab tu, byk la aktiviti luar jangkaan terjadi...hey, bkn benda, mulut pun mula ada lecture sendiri..student sy, IKAMAYA MOHD ARIFFIN ;) hehehe...

Ika, sorry ek! -----> tp sy tau, from the bottom of her heart pun rs thankful kot coz ika pon ada syndrome sama cam saya!

Wink2~ dah 2 hari lecture from Pn Siti and Prof Siti..dua2 ada selingan pasal MNA or known as MALAYSIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION...Biasala...dah d akhir2 semester ni..kenala dedahkan diri dgn dunia realiti n dunia pekerjaan...NO MORE PPK yer...hehehe...Cdt to all ex kepimpinan PPK..which used to be very great2 manager n leader..huhu..congrates yeah! Back to my topic td...mmgla both of them sentuh pasal dalam stand yang berbeza..Prof Siti suruh kitorang join MNA, bayar yuran and so on...Tp, Pn Siti lak ada pandangan yang berbeza..

adoi...pening...mana satu nak ikut ni ea..huhu..xpa2...abeskan blajar dulu ea.. br fikir...apa2 pon, do what the best for us! tp..xlama lps tu plak, lecture from Pn Jalina...lecture Management...topic: "Management Model"

Meh refresh cket... 

1) Case Method - Nurse takes care of individual pt exclusively.

2) Total Pt Care - Nurse is responsible for the total care of pt assigned for the shift worked.

3) Functional Nursing - Divides the nursing work into functional roles that are then assigned to one of the team members. 
                                 - Each care provider has specific duties or tasks for which they are responsible. Eg:   
                                    Medication nurse.

4) Team Nursing - A care of delivery model that assigns staff to teams that then are responsible for a group of pts.
                          - A unit may be divided into 2 or more teams and each is led by a REGISTERED NURSE.

5) Primary Nursing - Clearly delineates the responsibility and accountability of the RN and designates the RN as the primary provider of care to pts.
                             - Eg: Home care Nurse.

6) Patient Centered Care - Designed to focus on pt needs rather than staff needs.

Okie2...cukup dulu ea...saja nak kongsi cket pasal Management Module td.. Lps lunch td plak, saya, ika ngan kak Mas tgk movie Gerontology kitorang..huhuhuhu...DRIVING MISS DAISY...Kemengantukkan melanda di situ...huhuhu...

Emm...malam ni crita Jangan Tegur lagi...Husna dah mengamuk2 dah tgk cita ni..huhu..sabar ea husna...! Okla...that's all for now...

Doakan saya dapat berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik ea...Amin.....

* Nur Kasih nak tgk Jangan Tegur Lagi...nak join Husna jerit2 jgk ^_^ *


Hari Berganti Hari....



Hari ni...apa topik best ea...? Klas Gerontology by Pn sbb duration yg agak panjang..membuatkan mata agak gatal nak tutup.. Oleh sebab tu, byk la aktiviti luar jangkaan terjadi...hey, bkn benda, mulut pun mula ada lecture sendiri..student sy, IKAMAYA MOHD ARIFFIN ;) hehehe...

Ika, sorry ek! -----> tp sy tau, from the bottom of her heart pun rs thankful kot coz ika pon ada syndrome sama cam saya!

Wink2~ dah 2 hari lecture from Pn Siti and Prof Siti..dua2 ada selingan pasal MNA or known as MALAYSIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION...Biasala...dah d akhir2 semester ni..kenala dedahkan diri dgn dunia realiti n dunia pekerjaan...NO MORE PPK yer...hehehe...Cdt to all ex kepimpinan PPK..which used to be very great2 manager n leader..huhu..congrates yeah! Back to my topic td...mmgla both of them sentuh pasal dalam stand yang berbeza..Prof Siti suruh kitorang join MNA, bayar yuran and so on...Tp, Pn Siti lak ada pandangan yang berbeza..

adoi...pening...mana satu nak ikut ni ea..huhu..xpa2...abeskan blajar dulu ea.. br fikir...apa2 pon, do what the best for us! tp..xlama lps tu plak, lecture from Pn Jalina...lecture Management...topic: "Management Model"

Meh refresh cket... 

1) Case Method - Nurse takes care of individual pt exclusively.

2) Total Pt Care - Nurse is responsible for the total care of pt assigned for the shift worked.

3) Functional Nursing - Divides the nursing work into functional roles that are then assigned to one of the team members. 
                                 - Each care provider has specific duties or tasks for which they are responsible. Eg:   
                                    Medication nurse.

4) Team Nursing - A care of delivery model that assigns staff to teams that then are responsible for a group of pts.
                          - A unit may be divided into 2 or more teams and each is led by a REGISTERED NURSE.

5) Primary Nursing - Clearly delineates the responsibility and accountability of the RN and designates the RN as the primary provider of care to pts.
                             - Eg: Home care Nurse.

6) Patient Centered Care - Designed to focus on pt needs rather than staff needs.

Okie2...cukup dulu ea...saja nak kongsi cket pasal Management Module td.. Lps lunch td plak, saya, ika ngan kak Mas tgk movie Gerontology kitorang..huhuhuhu...DRIVING MISS DAISY...Kemengantukkan melanda di situ...huhuhu...

Emm...malam ni crita Jangan Tegur lagi...Husna dah mengamuk2 dah tgk cita ni..huhu..sabar ea husna...! Okla...that's all for now...

Doakan saya dapat berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik ea...Amin.....

* Nur Kasih nak tgk Jangan Tegur Lagi...nak join Husna jerit2 jgk ^_^ *

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