Assalammualaikum wbt...


Rasanya lama sangat dah tinggalkan karpet penulisan saya ni.. Rindu rasanya.. Dari status 'single' ----> 'engaged' ----> 'married' ---> and now officially, to a status 'MOTHER-TO-BE'...

Firstly, perasaan?

Sebagai isteri?

- Happy. Berdebar. Bahagia. Benda Baru. Exploration of emotion. 'House-wife Training'. 

Sebagai Penganggur lagi?

- Hehe. Lupa nak bagitaw, after raya, i am officially resigned from my previous wonderful working place. PHAK. hurm, i missed that place so badly. Ikut Mr Hubby ke Perak sambil2 tunggu interview government.. And Alhamdulillah, on the 14th of Sept yang lepas, i went for an interview for jawatan jururawat U41 kat Putrajaya.. What a relief.. Dah abes interview, tggu phase for the result, 29th October 2012.

Pray for me yeah?

Sebagai bakal MAMA?

- Alhamdulillah.....................
- Alhamdulillah............................
- Alhamdulillah....................................

- Dah hampir 4 bulan saya berbadan dua... it's a good experience, i tell u! Masa dapat taw tu actually, I was having a non-stop emesis/ vomiting.. sampaikan kena masuk 1 pint hartmann kat emergency department PHAK.. huhu... masa tu, igt lagi Dr Khamsida minta test UPT.. Masa tggu result tu, i was so tired and tertidur kat orservation bay... almost 1 hour there, Dr Kamsida came to me with a smiling face, telling me : "Surayah, Congratulation! U're confirm pregnant! Klu baby girl bgtaw I yeah?".... Huhuhu... I was so happy!!! And Hubby came to me, I told him, "Abg, syg pregnant, abg akan jadi papa :)" He was so happy.. 
It's a special moment for me :)


- Of course ada! haha... baru taw macammana perasaan ibu2 yang mengidam ni.. Alhamdulillah, xdelah benda yang pelik2.. Tapi agak Funny sebab kadang2, bangun2 tidur nak makan roti canai yang garing, nak makan nasi lemak balut daun pisang, Ketam, Buah limau manis... macam2...

Agak terharu, sebab, dari Hubby, Mama, termasuklah Abg Long and Abg Ngah pon terlibat dalam menjayakan program mengidam saya ni.. huhu... Anak Mama ni nnt msti manja ngan Pak long and Pak Ngah dia ni nnt.. Semoga anak mama menjadi anak yang baek, soleh/solehah... Amin.....

Yes, it was too long for me to keep myself in a shell... No updates for u guys. hehe... Hopefully, semua dapat doakan saya and baby and my family for a good bless from Allah... This happiness will be shared for all of u too!

Till then, I'll be writing more soon...
Thanx for reading!

Loves from 'mama-to-be'!

The New Me

Assalammualaikum wbt...


Rasanya lama sangat dah tinggalkan karpet penulisan saya ni.. Rindu rasanya.. Dari status 'single' ----> 'engaged' ----> 'married' ---> and now officially, to a status 'MOTHER-TO-BE'...

Firstly, perasaan?

Sebagai isteri?

- Happy. Berdebar. Bahagia. Benda Baru. Exploration of emotion. 'House-wife Training'. 

Sebagai Penganggur lagi?

- Hehe. Lupa nak bagitaw, after raya, i am officially resigned from my previous wonderful working place. PHAK. hurm, i missed that place so badly. Ikut Mr Hubby ke Perak sambil2 tunggu interview government.. And Alhamdulillah, on the 14th of Sept yang lepas, i went for an interview for jawatan jururawat U41 kat Putrajaya.. What a relief.. Dah abes interview, tggu phase for the result, 29th October 2012.

Pray for me yeah?

Sebagai bakal MAMA?

- Alhamdulillah.....................
- Alhamdulillah............................
- Alhamdulillah....................................

- Dah hampir 4 bulan saya berbadan dua... it's a good experience, i tell u! Masa dapat taw tu actually, I was having a non-stop emesis/ vomiting.. sampaikan kena masuk 1 pint hartmann kat emergency department PHAK.. huhu... masa tu, igt lagi Dr Khamsida minta test UPT.. Masa tggu result tu, i was so tired and tertidur kat orservation bay... almost 1 hour there, Dr Kamsida came to me with a smiling face, telling me : "Surayah, Congratulation! U're confirm pregnant! Klu baby girl bgtaw I yeah?".... Huhuhu... I was so happy!!! And Hubby came to me, I told him, "Abg, syg pregnant, abg akan jadi papa :)" He was so happy.. 
It's a special moment for me :)


- Of course ada! haha... baru taw macammana perasaan ibu2 yang mengidam ni.. Alhamdulillah, xdelah benda yang pelik2.. Tapi agak Funny sebab kadang2, bangun2 tidur nak makan roti canai yang garing, nak makan nasi lemak balut daun pisang, Ketam, Buah limau manis... macam2...

Agak terharu, sebab, dari Hubby, Mama, termasuklah Abg Long and Abg Ngah pon terlibat dalam menjayakan program mengidam saya ni.. huhu... Anak Mama ni nnt msti manja ngan Pak long and Pak Ngah dia ni nnt.. Semoga anak mama menjadi anak yang baek, soleh/solehah... Amin.....

Yes, it was too long for me to keep myself in a shell... No updates for u guys. hehe... Hopefully, semua dapat doakan saya and baby and my family for a good bless from Allah... This happiness will be shared for all of u too!

Till then, I'll be writing more soon...
Thanx for reading!

Loves from 'mama-to-be'!